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What’s required for me to pay with Tamara?
It’s simple! You’ll need to be over 18 years old with a valid, verifiable mobile number, a valid ID, and a valid payment card in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait.* * Tamara's availability may vary depending on the store you are shopping at.When can I expect to receive my order if I choose to pay with Tamara?
You’ll receive your order on time, and make your payments according to your payment plan. If you have any questions or concerns regarding payments, please reach out to the Tamara Customer Care team for support.What happens if I want to make a return / cancellation?
With Tamara, it’s hassle-free! Based on the store’s policies, request the return or cancellation from the store. Once the store informs us of your return or cancellation, your payment plan will be updated and the relevant amount will be refunded to your account. For more details, please visit Tamara help center.Why was my order declined?
There are several potential reasons for rejection, including but not limited to the following:How do I pay with Tamara?
Just shop your favorite stores, and select Tamara as your payment method on the store’s checkout page! If you’re shopping in-store, simply inform the cashier that you’d like to pay with Tamara and follow the steps shared with you.Hi there,
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UK | US | EURO | To Fit Foot Length (cm) |
3 | 5 | 36 | 22 |
4 | 6 | 37 | 23 |
5 | 7 | 38 | 24 |
6 | 8 | 39 | 25 |
7 | 9 | 40 | 26 |
8 | 10 | 41 | 27 |
9 | 11 | 42 | 28 |
10 | 12 | 43 | 29 |
1. All products featured on Doyuf are meticulously certified as genuine, with a firm stance against counterfeit items. Doyuf proudly assumes full responsibility for upholding the authenticity of the original brands we showcase.
2. Every product available through our platform is accompanied by its respective brand warranty, substantiating its authenticity. Furthermore, each item is meticulously packaged with authentic product tags, reinforcing our dedication to delivering genuine merchandise.
3. We pride ourselves on providing only brand-new products to our clientele. Our stringent policy dictates that we do not engage in the resale of used or refurbished items, ensuring that every purchase reflects the pinnacle of quality and freshness.
4. Prior to reaching our customers, each product undergoes a comprehensive three-step quality assessment process. This meticulous scrutiny aims to ascertain the authenticity of the product, while also mitigating any possibility of defects or imperfections, thereby guaranteeing an unparalleled standard of excellence.
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The advertising and promotion policies keep changing from time to time and even the third party channels change their policies as per time. Neither the DOYUF.COM nor the third party channels guarantee any particular programs feature results or third party channels. The brand reserves the right to change or terminate any campaign, incentive offer, or program in part or as a whole. One could get permission from a brand to automate parts or all of an advertising service provided including combining bids across listings geographical regions, keywords, ad formats, verticals, and on and off marketing channels and platforms. The brand however allows the sellers to change the features or options and replace the parameters and options set for the particular advertising service. In this way, the brand could end; modify any advertising service that you give to transfer your bids, budgets, and campaigns to the new program, to the extent transferable for the default and the features of the new advertising service. The brand will serve notice for any such changes. The brand can remove any ad or promotion page at its discretion.
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